Saturday, May 27, 2006

Puppy lurveeeeeee

He saw stars in daylight. Tried hard but could not take the smile of his face. It was like a fresh beginning to his otherwise mundane sober life. Is this what Elvis called a “crazy little thing” he wondered. He was in love. Love for the first time and hoping would be for the last time. After days of deliberation, he mustered enough courage to fill in fancy words onto one of those hallmark cards and headed straight to the gal that made him see hallucinations. Made an valiant effort to look straight into her eyes, failed, looked down, and murmured some thing that faintly sounded like “ I love you”.

There was a pause, seemed like a year long, the silence piercing through his heart, and slowly came the voice… “ I am sorry, I only saw you as a friend …I didn’t see you “that” way”. Been a year and still struggling to make her feel “that” way.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Now I see the BIG picture!

To hell with my graduate degree, that yearlong thesis or even those annoyingly long certification exams... I am gonna completely revamp my resume.

For two hours my team was grappling along with this project issue. It was an intellectual debate to say the least, with each person giving his/her opinion with a humble intention of bringing in a few extra dollars for the organization. In comes my boss with a sheepish grin apologizing for the "small" delay. Exactly two minutes after proceedings, with an authoritative tone he was like, "see you have to look at the big picture, what we have is a chicken and egg problem and the way to handle this would be to think outside the box and set aggressive but achievable goals". All of us looked at him like we just achieved “nirvana”. He turns towards me and goes like, “Dude, now that there is clarity, would like the project proposal by my desk eod today” and walked back feeling rather satiated over his ability to rescue some hapless duds denied even an iota of this precious little thing called intelligence. Just as he left, there was a glimmer of hope; a faint voice from above (read as Dilbert) urged me to go ahead with the thought lingering in my mind.

My revised and edited resume replaced this rather innocuous mention about projects & thesis and replaced it with “ability to see the big picture by bringing every one on to the same page”; “ Handled projects by implementing methods in madness and taking regular temperature checks”.

Boy! I am a manager in the making!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Deep in the woods....

hum rahe ya na rahe kal...listening to this
beautiful number by KK. Its amazing how this song can take you to this picturesque setting. I see myself in deep woods...its dark out here except for this thin streak of light jus managing to pierce through some stubborn greenery, a rivulet dancing to the tunes of this song and some birds chirping in appreciation. With this screen saver in the back ground, here I am feeling all at ease on this couch like rock laid out especially for me; a guitar adding to my otherwise sober attire....Its soothing, its refreshing and its tranquilizing.
Pity! how this setting would transform into rush hour hustle bustle when I have to wade through Bangalore traffic tomorrow morning. Until then...
Hum rahen ya na rahen yaad aayenge ye pal..

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Can you hear me....

Feels exactly the way it did couple of decades ago, when I slowly but surely moved my eye lids only to see strange creatures staring at me and making funny faces & noises for reasons best known to them....

My entry into this "blog world"...I believe there are people here, emotions here, conversations...-some nice and some plain nasty. Feels comforting to have this teeny-weeny bit of space...a place to share my emotions, some deep rooted feelings, some criticisms and possibly some funny anecdotes...

Its beautiful out here.....