Sunday, October 08, 2006


Got tagged by passerby55 and is my response...

In the eyes of my co-workers: This guy has to comb his hair some time; with hair falling all over his fore head its difficult to take him seriously in any meeting. Can any one direct him to the nearest hairdresser.

In the eyes of my teacher: We definitely need a cryptologist to decipher this handwriting. How on earth can some one write in a way where every letter in a word is oriented towards a different direction.

In the eyes of my friends: It’s been over two years since he returned from the US. Why the hell does he still have his “American accent”. Common! you don’t have to continue to roll your “R”s.

In the eyes of my mom: Being a part of this tam bram community how can this kid still not like curd rice. That’s beyond comprehension!

In the eyes of some one special: A mood which fluctuates so much that could put a pendulum to shame. Would take a life long to predict what’s in his mind.

In the eyes of my party friends: This guy’s dance is simply not replicable. Dances like “Chandler” in friends. If at all there is a worst dancer award, we got a clear winner.

and I tag ....
contraddict, Eclipsed Thoughts and Ayshu