Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fashin hits a new low!

Been a while since I blogged. Been busy doing a lot of frivolous things in life. And one such was accompanying a dear one for shopping. Was in this mall last week, and as usual I was waiting out side while my pretty companion was busy trying out the million clothes the shops have to offer. As I was gazing around I noticed this shop where they take a picture of you and put it in your T-shirt. Ya, Ladies & Gentlemen, we have lost all forms of creativity; stripes, horizontal ones, vertical ones, squares, flowers, plain ones, we have tried it all and human brain has exhausted all forms of creativity and now all you have to do is put your face in your T-shirt. Now which sicko would wanna put his face in his T-shirt. People! I know you cannot have enough of me, so jus look down, I am here again!

I don’t know! This fashion thing I tell you..has just hit a new low. You know eventually there might just not be any fashion at all. I have seen these new age movies; the aliens who are far superior than us are moving around in a V shaped jumper suit and visiting other planets. Jus a matter of time, we will soon be there. Dump your capris, gowns, dresses and jackets, we all are gonna be wearing the same thing. Just get into your grey jumper suits..we are gonna visit other planets.